W 'Mum why can't I hit the window with a stick'
M 'because you might break it'
W 'but why'
M 'because it's made of glass'
W ' but why is it made of glass'
M' so we can see through it'
W 'but why can we see through it'
M 'so I can still know what you're doing when I've put you out there so I can enjoy my coffee in peace' (I always like to stick to scientific facts...)
I have two theories for the questions. All those questions.
One is that my child is smart and curious. And if the smart and curious is proportional to the amount of stuff he has to know he's probably far smarter than me. He could probably beat Stephen Hawking at chess. And physics.
The other theory is that he really likes to interact with me. Probably not just me but I get to be the lucky one seeing as we're nearly always together.
(I had a theory for a little while that he thinks I'm really smart but that was less about his learning than my need for esteem so I dropped it)
W 'why can't I hit the window with a stick'
M 'I think you are clever enough to figure that out. I'm going to let you think for a bit then I'm going to ask you and see what ideas you have....(long pause (actual long pause, I don't say long pause)...) W, why can't you hit the window with a stick?'
W ' because if it gets broken we have to have that brown tape on the window again'
M 'I knew you'ld come up with an awesome idea!!'
Seriously, sometimes he likes to ask me for a different idea but it's totally changed the nature and purpose of that interaction. And his ideas are way more fun to listen to than mine.
Hello! You have a great way to deal with him.
ReplyDelete* I 'stumbled' on your blog :) and spread on Twitter!
I've heard other mothers say the same thing, that this is how they handle all the questions, and it usually works like magic! I was all prepared to use it on my kid, but he's autistic, so... we don't get those question marathons.
ReplyDeleteI am very glad to hear another mom echo the fact that this works, and I look forward to using it on the younger ones when they get to this stage!
Wow! I never thought to use that tactic before with any of my kids...I just may have to start! Thanks for the idea!
ReplyDeleteI also 'stumbled' on your blog.
My life is very much full of "why?" right now.... I usually just make things up because it's more fun for me that way.