
Monday, February 21, 2011

A Flying Start


I was amused watching one of our little under twos at Playcentre last Friday playing in the sandpit. He was surrounded by myriad interesting toys but was utterly fascinated by just watching the sand fly as he threw it. Now we don't condone the throwing of sand as a general rule, but there were no other kids in the firing line and he had an insightful parent with him who rather than reprimand him, directed him to a paddling pool of water which had no one in it as a good destination for his flying sand. He looked so delighted watching the sand land in the water. I believe it had been set up attractively for water play with dye in it and had been appreciated by a only a couple of kids but for this little guy it was totally worth the sacrifice! Later as it was a hot day the hose was brought out for some cooling down fun and this same child discovered the delights of directing the water. I was smart enough to be observing this from well out of the firing line!!! This led to him discovering that when he aimed the water at a yoga ball he could move it across the play area. I am looking forward to observing this boy more closely next week, I am thinking perhaps a trajectory schema? I have been compiling a list of things I'd like to offer for him over the next while to help him explore different ways of moving things.


  • rolling balls down a slide
  • pushing cars down ramps
  • setting up a marble run, or maybe like this
  • marble painting
  • dropping paint onto paper from a height
  • pulleys, maybe make up a game of throwing things into a bucket attached to a pulley until it's heavy enough to lift another bucket off the ground...


  • ping pong balls across a table with a straw
  • blowing paint across paper


  • balls into hoops/ buckets
  • paint-soaked sponges at paper

Pushing/ pulling
  • using chalk to draw a big line on the ground (could move along the line in different ways or push vehicles along it)

He'd probably enjoy feeling movement himself too, rolling down the hill, swinging, riding in the wagon...
That'll do me for starters. I'm looking forward to Friday now!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

All Wrapped Up

Enclosure, Enveloping and Containment.

First, a small disclaimer. I have seen these 3 schemas listed separately in lots of articles but I am going to lump them together. In learning theory they may be worlds apart but in practise I can't tell too much difference!!!
Hi my name is Erin and my child is the one who looks silly in a thousand layers of clothes. If you can see her cos she could be stuffed in that small gap between the couch and the wall. Or in the wardrobe. Or under a pile of cushions. No, she's not a complete fruit loop - it's her schema!!!! Actually the first time I met schema theory I was at playcentre watching her fold herself in a very small box closing the lid over her head. A very wise woman I know handed me a copy of this schema matrix and yes, there she was in the enclosure/ enveloping column. Suddenly her tights, jeans, skirt, long sleeved top, short sleeved dress and veil ensemble made perfect sense!!! As if she was reading over my shoulder her next half hour consisted of: wrapping all the playdough at the playdough table in paper, painting a beautiful picture then obliterating it with a layer of black over the top, burying her legs in the sandpit... when we got home that day I cleared out her wardrobe, put a big cushion in the bottom and voila, for the next year and a half that's where you'd find her if she was sad, tired, recently told off, reading, or just feeling quiet!!
If any of that sounds familiar to you, keep reading, the following activities are probably either already enjoyed by your child or something they would love to do!!!!

Role playing/ family play: cubby houses! I swear it was every day for months the contents of my linen cupboard were utilised for making tents, cubby houses and 'bed nests' and the contents of her room were carried out to furnish these creations. Tunnels are fun to hide in/ crawl through.

Dress ups: clothing is important to these kids, especially wigs, drapey fabric, lace tablecloths, capes, veils and do I need to say layers again? Let them choose their own clothes. And I dare you to leave the house like that!!! Bags to put stuff in.

Stories: my daughter's favourite story at this time was 'There was an old lady who swallowed a fly' I swear it was the Russian doll effect of animals inside animals inside animals that made her want to read it over and over and over.... and over. Owl Babies, another favourite, what enclosure kid wouldn't want to live in a tree? Any of Eric Carle's books are great for the artwork as his illustrations are all done with layers of different tissue paper. And when it comes down to it, any book as long as it's read in a tent is going to be a hit!!

Science: lots of animals live in pretty close quarters, wasps, birds, ants, find some pictures of owls inside trees foxes in a den etc etc You will have ample opportunity to introduce concepts such as capacity volume space and size. Provide containers and different stuff (wet and dry) to pour into them. Think creatively for containers, use a funnel to fill a balloon with rice!
Maths: containers that fit inside other containers, nesting boxes, Russian dolls

Art: collage - different flat materials to build up layers with. I had an art box of old cards, cut up junkmail, catalogue pages, that sort of thing. A la Eric Carle try slightly transparent layers. Tissue paper rips easily and may be frustrating for small fingers to work with but sheer fabrics like netting or organza can work well. Frames are often important to enclosure kids too. I look back at almost all the art work from this time and there are either long pieces or string or ribbon glued around the edges or the paper or frames drawn or painted on. Provide long thin things for frames, sticks, string, help cut paper ribbons etc. Painting is great for layering. Don't show your regret and frustration when the elaborate and skilled pictures disappear under a layer of 'night-time' or 'clothes' or 'blankets'!!! Just stand nearby with a camera and get progress pictures so you can remember and remind your child what was underneath. Crayon does interesting layers too and because they don't mix you can even scratch part of the layers off later. Papier mache! Playdough. Try different ways of presenting this to make it even more fun. Hide surprises in it like small toys. Enclose one colour completely inside another colour. Or don't add colour into the dough, roll it into balls, break open each one and pour in some colouring then close them up again. Let them discover the colour when they start manipulating it!  Wrapping paper (even newspaper) and a tape dispenser will provide hours of fun. Especially for you if you are the tape dispenser!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dances with schemas 1: Transformation

Children fascinated by transformation are often spotted pretending to be different people or animals, they tend to love dressing up and will adopt a particular voice or way of walking to be a particular character. They are expert mess makers and will seldom stay clean. They can be identified at the paint easel: they are the ones with the painted hands and clean paper! They find unconventional ways to use equipment (one transformation child at our Playcentre found a rugby ball and to the consternation of her rugby playing peers took it to the paint easel, painted it and used it to make prints!)
They will probably be interested in the following activities:

Drama: costumes, props, provide costumes appropriate for any story you might be reading. Puppet shows. Give instructions in different accents/ personas eg old woman, baby, wicked witch etc
Side note: drama is a great tool to use for discipline/ expressing emotion and frustration. If you have a child with a natural ‘flair’ for drama cash in on it to diffuse and get out those strong feelings so you can deal with the issues calmly. eg: I can see you feel really angry, I want you to run over and roar at that tree like an angry lion.

Music: try music that expresses different moods, eg Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens. Move the way the music ‘feels’ 

Art:  face painting, bathtub paintpuff paintfinger paint. 

My favourite recipe to use is the following: 

2 cups corn flour
1 cup cold water
4 cups boiling water (a little more if necessary)
¼ cup soap flakes (optional)
Whisk corn flour and cold water in a large bowl until smooth white and shiny. Pour in boiling water while stirring and beat until smooth, thick and translucent. Add the soap flakes if desired and keep stirring. If you use an electric beater you can whip it to a beautiful fluffy consistency. Add food colouring as desired.
The beauty of this recipe is that every stage the ingredients transform completely. In fact the first time you make it you may never get past the first cornflour gloop stage!!! Make sure your transformation child is with you while you make it so they can wow at the process (but careful of the boiling water obviously!!!!)
My children love using this on our big glass sliding doors!

Stories: anything easily acted out! Some favourites from my experience: The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear by Bill Martin Jr /Eric Carle, Goldilocks and the Three Bears (so fun, we went out for a walk and pretended we were Goldilocks coming back to someone elses house – I really felt naughty!!!)

Science: hello youtube!  butterflies emerging from chrysalises (or chrysalides - who knew!), cicadas crawling out of their skin, wasps chewing wood to build nests, tadpoles turning into frogs...lots of fascinating watching for the picking! Plant seeds (sunflowers give awesome bang for buck) plant swan plants so the whole monarch butterfly drama will be played out in your front yard, get a pond for the froggy version!! Potions: know of any simple chemical reactions? Red cabbage indicator liquid. Vinegar and soda ‘volcanoes’ make bread to see the yeast react, hokey pokey, just about any baking really as long as there's some sort of rising involved.

More ideas here.

I personally find this schema a whole lot of fun. These kids will invariably find the most surprising uses for any equipment you provide them, will hijack any carefully thought out activity and turn it into something completely off the wall. They will challenge your comfort zones but remind you that the world is an amazing and fascinating place where miraculous things happen every day!!! If this is your child making special exploratory messes in your own house, you can remind yourself that this is just a stage they’re in now and by next week even they could be exploring something entirely new. And meantime don’t forget to give your washing machine a hug of gratitude before you go to sleep each night!!! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The work of play

There’s a fabulous buzzword out in the world of early childhood education called ‘schemas’. Simply put this means that kids tend to explore one aspect of the universe at a time. Most kids favoured activities can be filed under one schema or another. For instance: throwing. Think small boys and small blocks!!! Those kids who seem to hurl everything into the great beyond or the nearest window are exploring the principles of trajectory. Doesn’t make the broken stuff easier to clean up but explains they’re not a destructive maniac, just an amateur physicist. 
I had an ‘enveloper’ who spent many happy hours snuggled into the tiny cubby house I made for her in her wardrobe or wrapping all her toys up in paper. Some kids are into circularity, if it has a wheel or rolls they’re in. Transporters relocate everything and love to load up trolleys or baskets. 

It is an interesting exercise to observe your child’s chosen activities over a few days. Note how they play with things. If they’re working with playdough are they joining little bits together (connecting) or chopping things apart (disconnecting) carrying it round the house (transporting) throwing it onto the floor (trajectory) Getting the idea?

As a parent and educator I find it a tremendously useful starting point for guiding and supporting my children’s discoveries.

For example picture me baking muffins with Sarah (4) a child I was recently caring for:
First I poured flour into the bowl. "Can I touch it" asked Sarah. I said "yes you can" and she plunged her hands in, rubbed it up her arms and on her face. ‘This feel a-MA-zing’ she said "it’s so soft. And I’ve gone all white!!!". Then we added the sugar. "can I feel it now?" "sure thing Sarah" again the hands went into the bowl "ooh... now it feels different... like the sand" I mixed the wet ingredients together then we tipped them in. I could almost feel the excitement emanating from her in waves!!!! "wow, wow WOW" as we mixed it in "it’s totally different now!!!"  We put the muffins in the oven and started cleaning up, keeping a close eye on what was happening inside the oven. "They’re getting bigger!!!!!"
Textbook transformation child – she wasn’t interested in the way the beaters moved or tipping the ingredients from cup to bowl, rather she was excited to see it change state and used it to change herself. Likewise when this child read a book she transformed herself into one of the characters. When we painted, her paper transformed slightly but she became completely different!!!  In the time I looked after her we made baking soda and vinegar volcanoes, we baked things that produced lovely visible reactions, we made cornflour based fingerpaint because it let us see amazing changes of state, we re-enacted books, we played dress-ups.... I was able to extend the scope of her explorations within her chosen schema. And I learned lots about making mess. And we had fun!!!

I have heaps of ideas for providing play experiences in different schemas and over the next wee while I'll share with you what I've tried/ gleaned / read / have on file!